How to use the State Pension Online-Tool

Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

Important Update for Swiss Nationals Regarding UK State Pensions.

Planning for Retirement

As Swiss nationals living in the UK, you may be interested in recent developments concerning the UK State Pension. The government has launched a valuable online service to assist individuals in maximising their potential State Pension benefits.

Understanding National Insurance

National Insurance (NI) contributions are a crucial factor determining your future State Pension entitlement. This new online tool allows you to conveniently review your NI record and identify any potential gaps.

Nigel Huddleston, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, said: “Having peace of mind when planning for retirement is crucial to ensure people can enjoy later life. That’s why HMRC has launched this new online service today, making a real difference for thousands of pensioners in their retirement while providing certainty to those in their middle years and those still planning ahead.”

Boosting Your State Pension

The service not only highlights any gaps but also calculates the potential increase in your State Pension if those gaps are filled through voluntary contributions. This empowers you to make informed decisions about your retirement income.

Eligibility and Accessibility

This online service is accessible to most individuals under State Pension age. However, there are a few exceptions, including those already receiving their State Pension, self-employed individuals, and Swiss nationals residing outside the UK with gaps arising from employment abroad (though they can still manage their NI information on GOV.UK).

Maximizing the Opportunity

The deadline to fill gaps using voluntary contributions for tax years between 6 April 2006 and 5 April 2018 has been extended until 5 April 2025. This extended window allows you ample time to consider whether this option aligns with your retirement goals.

Accessing the Service

To use this beneficial online tool, you can proceed as follows:

  1. Visit GOV.UK or access the HMRC app.
  2. Locate the “Check your State Pension forecast” tool.
  3. Log in using your Personal Tax Account details (you can create an account online if you haven’t already done so).
  4. By following the provided steps, you can review your NI record and assess the potential impact on your State Pension.

Important Reminders

Voluntary contributions may not always guarantee a higher State Pension. Therefore, it’s essential to utilise the tool to assess the potential benefits before making any decisions. Additionally, safeguarding your HMRC login details is paramount. Never share this information with anyone, including tax agents. You can find valuable resources on avoiding scams on GOV.UK.

Taking Control of Your Future

By checking your State Pension forecast today, you can take a proactive step towards a secure and comfortable retirement. This user-friendly online service empowers you to make informed choices that will benefit you in your later years.

Without delay take a look at the New Online Tool on GOV.UK to check your State Pension Forecast. You can also check the status on the HMRC app.

Follow this link to find out more or download the HMRC App.

Shortfall in State Pension Forecast?

Don’t be discouraged if the State Pension forecast reveals a lower-than-expected income. It doesn’t necessarily mean a less comfortable retirement!

This new online tool empowers you to identify gaps in your National Insurance record and potentially boost your State Pension. Additionally, there are other forms of financial support available for those on a low income after reaching State Pension age.

Additional Support for Swiss Pensioners, when a Top-Up is no longer achievable

Pension Credit is a benefit that tops up your weekly income if you’re over State Pension age and on a low income. Here’s a quick look at some of the key points:

  • Extra cash: Pension Credit could give you an extra £3,500 a year on average.
  • More than just income: You might also get help with housing costs, council tax, and even a free TV licence if you’re over 75.
  • Eligibility: You can get Pension Credit even if you own your own home or have some savings.
  • Find out more: Visit our previous blog post to see if you could be entitled.

Another fantastic resource is AgeUK. Pensioners can get help
online or call the free, confidential advice line
on 0800 678 1602 to get support applying for Pension Credit
and more. They are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year.
AgeUk helps millions of people every year, providing support,
companionship and advice.

How do I find out more?

You can find out more about  Pension Credit by visiting